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Short term – (01st October – 10th December)

Long term – (01st October – 1st May)




Short term - Produce a 5-second animation with dialogue and body mechanics to figure out how long it takes me to produce a test shot. Gain an understanding of my animating pace. 

Short term - Continue to produce key poses to express emotion and a narrative. 1 pose before I animate as a warm-up exercise. Recommended by Bader on AnimDojo.

Short term - Produce 1 dialogue piece that focuses on realistic motion of the full body with lip-sync and facial expressions.

Short Term - Experiment with a cartoony piece that looks more at exaggeration. For a competition such as 11-second club or AnimChallenge.




Short term - Have more of my work reviewed by industry. 

Short term - Interact with my groups on Facebook, posting work and asking for critiques.

Long term - Work with a client to make a creature animation. 

Long term -  Have a new showreel of my work ready to be reviewed by industry.




Short term - Presentation conference learning how to present. 14th October Talk.

Short term - Sleep routine of 8 hours per day.  

Short term - Consistent gym routine of 3-4 days a week from 9-10pm. 

Short term - Write less on my website and spend more time in other areas. 

Short term - Design a website that represents my personality and work. 

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